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Pupils are required to obey the rules and conditions of the dance school.



Fees must be paid by the second week of every term. The student can then participate in 1 trial class at no expense. If the child then wishes to continue you will be billed accordingly. We are prepared to discuss alternative arrangements for payment. Invoices that are not settled before half term may be subject to a £10.00 penalty per week thereafter. Cash should be placed in a sealed envelope with the remittance advice and cheques should be firmly attached to the remittance slip. A £10 charge will be applied for cheques returned unpaid by the bank



If prolonged illness occurs concessions may be made. Refunds will not be given for odd classes missed and classes will not be carried over.



Cancellations cannot be accepted at the start of a new term. A half terms notice must be given or a £10 cancellation fee may be charged.



We reserve the right to refuse admission and to dismiss pupils should occasion arise.

The School reserve the right to ask for a pupil to be removed from the school for any of the following reasons:
- Should a pupil not respond to training
- For misbehaviour or wilful damage
- For poor attendance
- For any breach of the school rules, conditions or regulations etc.


Class Cancellation

Classes that are cancelled due to extreme weather conditions, school closures or any other extreme unforeseeable circumstances will not be refunded.



Parents will be invited to observe classes on allocated days, unless prior arrangement has been made. In the case of very young children one parent will be allowed to accompany the child until fully settled.



Examination entrees are entirely at the teacher’s discretion and will be invoiced separately at the time of entry. Teachers reserve the right to withdraw candidates from examinations if it is deemed necessary.



The regulation KVAD uniform is to be worn. The details of which are published on the website or are available upon request. No jewellery is to be worn and no chewing gum.


Mobile Phones

Mobile phones must be turned off or switched to silent if brought in to the studio



We will not be held responsible for the loss or damage to personal belongings whilst on the premises. All belongings should be clearly marked with the students name


Photographs / Videos

Occasionally the students may have their picture taken or be involved in a video within the dance class, prior to an exam or at a show. We may wish to use these images in a suitable publication or on our own website. To comply with the Data Protection Act 1998, we must have your permission before we can photograph or make any recording of young people. This document will consent to this unless you have informed us in writing to the contrary.




It is the policy of KVAD to ensure that every young person who is involved in the dance school do so in a safe environment and be protected from neglect, sexual, emotional and physical abuse


Key Principals

§   Anyone under the age of 18 will be considered as a child, for the purpose of this document.

§   The welfare of the young person is paramount

§   All children without exception have the right to be protected from abuse

§   Suspicions and allegations of abuse will be taken seriously and responded to swiftly and appropriately.

§   To ensure that adults working with young people are also protected and aware of the best practice so they can be protected from wrongful allegations.

§   Working in partnership with parents/guardians/carers/workers is essential for the protection of young people

§   Confidentiality should be upheld in line with the Data Protection Act 1998 and the Human Rights Act 1998.

Staff Engagement

KVAD shall not allow staff to have access to children or young people where there is any knowledge of that person or persons having any criminal conviction involving children or who are disqualified form working with children. KVAD will remind all employees of their duty to disclose such information, as required by the Criminal Justice and Court Services Act 2000.





We at KVAD would appreciate you reading our Health & Safety Advice


1.        When arriving for classes / exams / shows do not drop students off at the door, always ensure that a teacher is present in the studio. If you are not picking up your child please always inform the teacher of who is.

2.        Whilst every care will be taken of students whilst in the dance class, teachers cannot be responsible for them outside of the class.

3.        The teacher will not look after other children who are not involved in their class. If you bring brothers or sisters to the studio you must supervise them at all times.

4.        Be aware in the car park of children running to and from class

5.        For any child under the age of 12 to travel alone to or from class, KVAD must have a written confirmation.

6.        We are always pleased to receive the views from parents / students on all aspects of safety at the dance school.



 Dance is a physical activity where there is a risk of injury. KVAD will make a first aid kit available at all classes, exams and shows. The parents / guardians of the students should give permission for KVAD to provide simple medical aid for minor injuries, or to consult a doctor and / or the emergency services should the teacher feel it is necessary. You will of course be contacted immediately should injury / illness occur.

 I/We will inform KVAD of any changes in circumstances that may affect the student’s health, safety or ability to dance.



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